ELRR Graveyard

This blog is no longer active. It's pretty much just a bunch of drunken idiocy mixed with senseless ramblings. A more refined blog can be viewed at riraho.blogspot.com.

Friday, April 30, 2004

Life Everlasting

Today was day #2 of work and my back is bent in half. But, it seems like a nice place to work. Alot of hot girls to stare at, and Bradley Constein.

Took my Modern US History final today and it could have went better. I didnt fail it or anything but i could have done better. Now i have the Euro History final Saturday morning at 8am(!), and after that i'm a senior(!).

Work again Saturday, then im getting some Molson XXX (8.75% alcohol content) and getting ripped nice and good. Then Hockey Sunday and thats my weekend.

In the Line of Fire:

Mitch Leary: I have a rendezvous with death, and so does the President, and so do you if you get too close.
Frank Horrigan: You have a rendezvous with my ass, motherfucker!

Current TV: Law & Order
Current Pain: ohhh, my back

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Get me a beer my back's sore.

Started the new job at Fridays today. It seems pretty cool, and everyone working there seems nice. But not working for about 2 months left my knees and back in ultimate pain.

Took my foreign policy exam this morning, which turned out 100x better than the World to 1500 exam. Just two more to go and i'm free for the summer.

The Devils may be gone, but our other heroes, the Boston Red Sox are on fire. They have kicked the hell out of the Yankees this year and beat Tampa tonight. 2004 is the year for the Red Sox. This year the Impossible Dream comes true.

Current TV: Law & Order SVU
Current Mood: sleep

Sunday, April 25, 2004

The Shitty Beatles? Are they any good?......They suck!....Then its not just a clever name...

We got our hockey game in this morning despite there being a terrential downpour. By the time the game started, there were puddles everywhere. But the surface wasnt that bad, i only fell like 3 times. We did win, i think it was 7 or 8 to 4. I'm just waiting for pneumonia to set in, which would be just my luck.

Finals week is next week, then its a summer of relaxation, which followed my Spring of jobless relaxation.

Current TV: Nothing to Lose
Current Wardrobe Choice: Ragged Millersville Basketball T-Shirt and Plaid Pajama Pants.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Listen your ass is about to be missing, you know whos gonna find you? Some old man fishin'!

Great night tonight, at the Fairview. Met up with Josh and Cindy and Fries and Lauren. Had some fun, then College and Chris showed up. There was a band at the Fairview, which was quite a suprise. I saw the female singer at Emersons a few Halloweens ago, and i remember her that night....she was the most beautiful girl in the world that night, she glowed i tell you. So it was great to see her sing again...and she came over and sang with College and I.

The only thing better than the Red Sox beating the shit out of the Yankees last weekend at Fenway is the Red Sox beating the shit out of the Yankees at the Stadium. The beaneaters killed the spanks 11-2 tonight. All is right with the world...well yeah, if i was banging a hot chick too..but i digress.

Current TV: Sportscenter
Current Mood: yeah, bedtime

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

You're Hired

I've finally scored a job at TGI Fridays at the mall, working with Brad Constein and Kyle Durkin. This should be fun.

I finished my college paper at 3:45 am last night/this morning, so that makes it about 4 straight days of 4-6 hours of sleep and now its killing me. Now a big essay test tomorrow is all i have until finals.

Now that the Devils are out of the playoffs...i lay my preferences on any of the three Canadian teams: the Canadiens, the Flames or the Maple Leafs. I'd like to see a Flames Canadiens Final.

The other day i was reminded of another CollegeBoy Classicâ„¢:

College and I went down to House of Pasta one night in Millersville, and for those who' never been there, they have these giant mugs that are really cheap and add up to almost three beers in all. College had been drinking earlier in the day, so when we got there he was blasted already, but adding the giant mugs didnt help. We went out to the sand bar and College just slouched in the chair, trying not to pass out, while kicking sand all over the other 2 at our table. Finally we took off and i nearly had to carry College out of the place. So i drop him off at the Compound and hes really laboring to get out of the car and keep on his feet. I asked him if he needed help, but he waved me off and i left. Turns out College made it as far as his front porch, where he passed out doubled over the rail. Flash forward to the next morning, when College's mother Donna comes outside to walk the dog Chloe. She finds College still out cold, and starts yelling and asking him what the hell he was doing, to which College replied, "I'm walking Chloe." Awesome.

Current TV: History Channel
Current Mood: end the pain

Monday, April 19, 2004

No, Lafleur. It means The Flower. Roses have thorns, eh?

Well, its Monday. Went to class earlier today, then came home and watched the RedSox game which started at 11am, because its Patriots day in Boston and all. Also started work on my Richard Nixon's Foreign Policy paper which is due in about 30 hours or so.

Our hockey team got Smoked with a capital S, Sunday. We lost by about 7 or so, it was blistering hot and everyone was sucking wind and sweating their souls out. I have to quit smoking. Right after this pack.

And i finally got a job interview tomorrow.

Current TV: Les Habitan vs. Bruins, Game 7
Current Snack: pretzels

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Ah Hell

Well..the Devils went and got eliminated by the Flyers today. What a kick in the ass. Another year of post-cup futility. Don't understand it. Wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't against the Flyers. But, i didn't break anything after the game, so i'm making progress.

Our hockey team on the other hand, won again Wednesday and we stand 3-0. We are looking pretty good, but we have a big test tomorrow.

I finished my Pentagon Papers-Watergate paper, so now i have until Wednesday to write a 10 page paper on the foreign policy of Richard Nixon. That and a large test the day after in World to 1500 means the week of hell for me.

This blog has gotten 300 hits already, quite a feat, since i never figured any one would be reading this.

Current TV: Law & Order SVU
Current Mood: Go Red Sox

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

In Patrik Elias I Trust.

Devils got off the schnide tonight and beat Philly, 4-2. What a relief! Elias was dominant and Brodeur started off shaky but was on the rest of the night. So tonight began what Chris Berman would call the Rasputin Games. Meaning they cannot lose anymore really this series or they are in trouble, they must go on like Rasputin who was poisoned, beaten, shot and still lived until the crazy Russians threw him into a frozen river where he finally drowned. There's your history lesson for the night. But I don't expect the Devils to die anytime soon.

It appears Howard Stern is not going to be on the air much longer. What a shame. Its like he said, this country is interfering on the freedom of speech rights of citizens in this country, but is spending billions to make sure frigging Iraquis have their rights. Vote Nader!!

Current TV: Craig Kilborn
Current D(a/o)n: Forever a honkey

Monday, April 12, 2004


Saturday night was spent at College's, to watch the Flyers Devils game, which the Devils lost. Totally uncalled for. I'm not handling this well. But it is the Playoffs, the most wonderful time of the year. Other than that, there was a littany of people there..Josh, Cindy, Christina, Dan, College, Kate, and her sister. We played a game called cranium...i'm not artist, but Kate and College should see a belly dancer when one is drawn for them..haha.

I don't know how anyone in this country can still think that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. There's so much evidence that is in his favor, its not even funny. The Warren Commission was pretty sloppy in their investigation, i'm pretty sure that they were under a time restriction and they thought/were ordered to focus on pinning it on Oswald and ignore anything that didn't point to him. First off, there's a laundry list of people that said they heard more than the 3 shots the Warren Commission said there were, and that one or more of those shots came from the grassy knoll. JFK's vicious backwards head snap (back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left...) should have been enough to show people that the kill shot was from the front. Then a policeman runs into the Texas School Book Depository and finds Lee Harvey Oswald in the second floor lunch room drinking a coke a "max 90 seconds after the final shot, and says he's not nervous or worried or sweating, despite that the Warren Commission says he just killed the leader of the free world and ran down 4 flights of stairs, stops to buy a soda and should by all rights be a little bit shocked to run into a cop, but anything is possible i guess. I don't really buy into all the "mass government conspiracy" stuff that some believe, but there was definately something fishy going on. JFK was pissing so many people off by not getting into Vietnam. The CIA wanted to thrash Communism, Bell Helicopter was going to make a kings ransom making choppers for the war. Then Cuban refugees hate Castro and JFK for not helping the CIA invade Cuba, and the Mob hates Kennedy, because he worked with his brother to eliminate the Mob, after they just worked with Joe Kennedy to rig the 1960 election. Added to that, Oswald had connections to ALL of these groups--including Jack Ruby and his Mob ties, im pretty sure one or two guys from each of these groups made up Oswald for the fall. Then they have Ruby silence Oswald and he's guilty forever, not telling what he knew about these groups. Pretty sad.

Im running short on time to get these 2 papers finished, and so i far i have an introduction for the first one. Time kick my BS skills into high gear.

Current TV: JFK
Current Cigarette: Pall Mall...not the best, but only $3.49/a pack

Saturday, April 10, 2004

O, Canada!

Tonight was a blast. Started off at the Fairview with Fries and his girlfriend Lauren. Then we went off to Lancaster City, to a place called Quips, to meet up with former co-workers Wayne, Anjel and...Heather. Dammit, i wanted to put her out of mind, and i thought i did a good job of not drooling all over her, but it brought back feellings i had for her. Shouldnt have went, but it was cool regardless. Later College and Kate showed up, which i did not expect. It was cool to be out with everyone.

Tomorrow: Devils Flyers, game 2. If they don't win, i'm going on a state wide crime spree.

School is almost done..3 weeks i think, but i have 2 papers and a test coming up quicker than i would hope for, so i've got to get busy here.

Current TV: Worlds Most Dangerous Something or Other Caught on Tape
Current Mood: I will not be a dumbass.

Thursday, April 08, 2004


Devils lost Game 1 to the Flyers. Dammit. They played bad the first 2 periods, then (like always) made a flourish that fell short in the third. Oh well, Game 2 Saturday.

On to brighter business, i found this site that has some awesome celebrity dirt...some of the more jucier tid bits:

Crawford, Joan. "Slept with every male star at MGM except Lassie." Thought Lassie was a female dog, but thats a great line.
DiMaggio, Joe. Physical abuser of women, including Marilyn Monroe. Whoremonger. Psychopathically cold personality. Treated his family badly. Had mob ties. In sum, as bad at being a person as he was good at playing baseball. Proves the Yankees are bastards
Garbo, Greta. Sad woman; had her career sabotaged by MGM. Rumored to be a man.
Novak, Kim. Reportedly...well, this smacks of urban legend, but reportedly Kim Novak had "testicular feminization syndrome" and "was genetically a male." Damn....pretty sick. It says Novak being a man sounds like urban legend..i hope so, cause she looked pretty good in Vertigo.

*Check out the site here*

This weekend looks weak...Fairview with Fries and his woman, which will be fun, but money runs out and Saturday is a night in to watch the Devils Flyers.

Current Mood: its only game 1
Current TV: Law & Order SVU

Monday, April 05, 2004

Kind of like a Zamboni, eh?

The NHL regular season is over, and the Devils have the Flyers in the first round. Nothing like starting the playoffs with the arch rival Flyers. This year i dont see the Devils as clear winners, but they have never lost to the Flyers in the playoffs, and a loss to them will not sit well with me. If they lose to the Flyers, nothing will ever be the same again and i will leave no survivors.

Not a bad weekend, went to the Fairview on Friday with College, Matt, Kate, Josh, Cindy, Jason and Lauren. Pretty fun night, we played darts and movie trivia. Saturday went to College's for a little get together and again on Sunday with Matt to watch Law and Order and play Sega Genesis.

I've procrastinated once again, holding off on a 10 page and 7 page paper, both of which are due within days of each other in about 2 weeks. Tons of fun.

Current Mood: no whammies!
Current TV: Law and Order SVU

Friday, April 02, 2004

Made from the best stuff on Earth.

Thursday night went to House of Pasta in Millersville with Fries. It was crazy...got to talk with Fries about hockey, which i love, but the 2 drunks next to us made the night. The first guy, sporting a mullet, jumped into our hockey conversation and told us how great Gretzky was, and how he would go out there and pound some ass when he needed to(?). Then he started on about how good Michigan is and was, and i asked him if he was talking about the NIT college basketball, and he said yeah then went right into talking about hockey again, leaving Fries and myself wondering if this guy was on something more than alcohol. Then the bald guy next to him was yelling incoherently and laughing at his own jokes which none of us could understand. Fries got caught with the guy as he showed his Navy ID, then the guy leaned into 2 big black guys and asked them if they sucked dick, which prompted the bartender to call him a cab. While waiting he nearly fell on me and the floor and then yakked in the cab. Unreal.

Tonight looks like the Fairview, with a bunch of people. It happens.

Current TV: Law & Order
Current Room: pigstye