ELRR Graveyard

This blog is no longer active. It's pretty much just a bunch of drunken idiocy mixed with senseless ramblings. A more refined blog can be viewed at riraho.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Another brick in the wall.

Devils tied the Wild tonight, not a good thing but not a bad thing. Points are points.

I really want to see this Mel Gibson movie coming out "The Passion of the Christ." Now i haven't been to church regularly in about 10 years, but this movie looks interesting. It looks like the most talked about and anticipated movie of all time, or something. But i doubt it can knock Casablanca from it's "Favorite Movie of all Time" perch.

My review and subsequent raise is still late. Should have been done on January 10th. It's not really about the money, but i should be making more, I just want some appreciation shown. I'd like for them to show that they value what i do there. But i'm not holding my breath.

I still demand e-mails. Or sign the guestbook. Just tell me how much this thing sucks, so i know youre out there.

More quotes, this time from Bobby "The Brain" Heenan:

Hennan: "Now Virgil is number 22 right?"
Monsoon: "Yeah."
Heenan: "Imagine how bags he's gone through in the back."
Monsoon: "Oh will you stop!"

"A man is never more dangerous than when he's fighting for money or the love of a woman...and I love money."

"It could be worse, it could be me!"

Heenan rules.

Current TV: Who's Line is it Anyway?
Current Drink: Lipton Iced Tea


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