ELRR Graveyard

This blog is no longer active. It's pretty much just a bunch of drunken idiocy mixed with senseless ramblings. A more refined blog can be viewed at riraho.blogspot.com.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

talk a walk on the wild side

Well it's the last day of 2005. What went wrong, what went right?

I went back to That Fish Place and quit TGI Fridays. I'll take the set schedule, which is mostly day time hours, and the set pay compared to shitty hours and meager pay. I do not miss cutting lemons, rolling silverware, working till midnight on a weekend, crying kids, dirty tables, broken crayons, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms, sorting silverware or any other bussing horrors. I couldn't even switch to serving in order to pander to others for 15%, and i resent the ones who strive to become one and enjoy it. Plus there's no Jeff Hickman or Wayne Flory at Fridays. I will miss a select few and Brian "Bro, that bitch looks like she ran a 50 yard dash in a 30 yard gym" Scott.

Way back the Patriots won their 3rd Super Bowl over the sad sack Eagles. That might have been one of the more satisfying times my team won it all. They embarassed the Colts in the Division round, kicked the shit out of the Steelers in their own stadium and then cut the heart of everyone within 150 miles by downing the Eagles. Probably not three teams that i would enjoy beating more. Started bad, but Captain Tom looks decent to win a 4th. Hockey came back, but the Devils are just a bad bad hockey team. Robinson quit, Malakov retired, McGillis sucks, and Elias still hasn't come back from hepititis. Better luck next year.

Also got to see the Rolling Stones this October. They weren't as good as they used to be, but being with 3o,ooo+ at Hershey Stadium was a pretty cool sight. What modern pop music band could pull that shit off? Nickelback?! They didn't play Beast of Burden, but it was worth it.

I've become way more than a regular at The Olde Spring House. Well, maybe not as much as Fries, but i spend way to much money there. But i have way too much fun, so its worth it. We actually have pictures of ourselves hanging up above the bar for crissakes.

Other than being poor and having a f'ed up knee for a good bit, 2005 might stand as a success. I saw more than 2 girls skinny dipping, so that alone pretty much made up for the year, losing my lisence withstanding.

Looking like Springhouse with Fries and the Gang for New Years Eve. I'd think being at party at someone's house would be a little more wild and leave more room for at least insane drunk bastard behavior. But, the Springhouse being the Springhouse, having never let me down before, im sure i'll have something to write about tomorrow.

Current Mood: bring on the booze
Current Music: Deperado-Eagles
Current Tv: Law and Order CI